defects eliminated! Nazi school will not be closed after all

After the right-wing extremism scandal at the former Freie Schule am Elsengrund, the alternative school feared its closure.

After the examination by the school supervisory board, it is now clear: it may remain open – with a bitter aftertaste.

About a year ago, the connections of several employees with the right-wing extremist scene came to light. The name was changed to Freigeist Schule, there was a change in personnel and an extensive examination by the school supervisory board. Now the education administration says when asked by the BZ: “The school has eliminated all the deficiencies.”

► But: A look at the organizational chart raises doubts. The current managing director is said to have previously taught at the school without permission.

The former managing director, Susann Zittlau (41), who was committed to restructuring, was fired after just two months. Among other things, she had previously dismissed the after-school care team and a teacher who was said to have been with the Identitarian movement. A course too hard?

The Freigeist School assures the BZ: “14 new colleagues were hired, who were fully checked and approved by the Senate Administration.”

The Senate will continue to keep an eye on school development: “If further deficiencies are found, a new examination will be carried out immediately.”


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