De bom valt nooit voordat de bom valt

Marc Van Ranst is a virologist at the KU Leuven. Zijn column changes two weeks, afwisselend met Els van Doesburg.

Marc Van Ranst6 October 202218:47

The first keer dat ik mij zorgen maakt over kernwapens zat ik in het fourde middlebaar van het Onze-Lieve-Vrouwcollege in Boom. For het vak godsdienst we most likely made a work with the theme ‘oorlog en vrede’, and he didn’t want to go over het book van Tolstoj.

I wrote to my negotiation about the beginning of October 25, 1981, toen 200,000 Belgians in Brussels protesting against the tegen de plaatsing van nuclear rockets in ons land. In the following loop, the manifestation of verzamelden ik vlijtig Kranenknipsels and cartoons about the rocket science, which in the first part helps van de jaren achttig our Belgische politiek Domineerde.

The CVP and the PVV were for the plaatsing of nuclear missiles; de socialist BSP was tegen. In my work, there is a socialist standpoint in my life that is more relevant than that, so that it is clear to my Catholic school report that it is strategically involved. Verzuiling was toen nog een dingetje.

The USSR settled in 1979 in Afghanistan. Dit suffered in 1980 tot economic sancties, met onder other een exportboycot van gran vanuit de VS naar de Sovjet-Unie (waarop de Sovjets promptly masssaal graan started te verbouwen in Oekraïne).

The invasion in Afghanistan was also beginning in the Wapenwedloop: the Soviets were planning to install nuclear missiles in the middellangeafstands of the type SS-20 in the Warsaw Pact countries and in the VS wild graag kruisrakettes in the West Europe NAVO countries, other countries in the country.

De bom was alomtegenwoordig in conversaties. Herman van Veen zong in 1982 ‘De bom valt nooit’, Doe Maar scoorde in 1983 zijn grootste nederpophit met ‘Voordat de bom valt’. Op October 23, 1983, 400,000 Belgen tegen nuclear weapons were sold in the largest massamanifestatie ooit in ons land.

That could never be asked. In 1985, zestien Amerikaanse kruisrakettes were overhauled to the military base in Florennes (and three years later weer teruggevlogen to the VS). We never knew what it was like in 1963 on the air force base of Kleine Brogel in a twin valley of America, tactical core bombs of the type B61 liggen, which were dropped because of our combat capabilities.

Het Oekraïense leger boekte de voorbije weken with a tank offense forse terreinwinst in het zuiden rond Cherson and in het oosten rond Lyman. Wat ooit Russian elite-eenheden goods, zijn nu groepjes badly uitgeruste en rivet-uitgeruste soldiers.

Poetin rehearses the mobilization of recruits by the sea boots on the ground te krijgen, maar also dat loopt minder dan vlotjes. De Rus in de Straat began drunkenly that the ‘speciale militaire operatie’ meer en meer op een ouderwetse oorlog lijkt.

In the Kremlin wordt men met de dag wanhopiger en begins men nerveus elkaar met de vinger te wijzen. After that, the poetess still has some thoughts about it: the poetess. With the regulation of the clock being tested in the west, it is done because it has not been included in the designation as the integrity of Russia in that area or in other words.

The major powers command over strategic and tactical core weapons. The strategic nuclear bombs raised a devastating Armageddon force of 50 kilotons of TNT-equivalent (TNTeq) dead seas of 50 megatons of TNTeq. With éen bom the een big wereldstad van de kaart vegen can. Deze strategic cores have been inventoried in zijn het vorwerp van ontwapeningsverdragen. Veel minder geïnventarised zijn de smaller tactical core weapons. They raise an energy density from a fraction of a kiloton to 50 kilotons of TNTeq and can reduce it to a smaller town.

The two core bombs that were reported in 77 years by the VS dead ontploffing were brought from Hiroshima and Nagasaki had a force of 16-21 kilotons of TNTeq and a total of 129,000 tot 226,000 doden. Men zou ‘Little Boy’ and ‘Fat Man’ now dead de tactical core weapons. I’m shocked by that.

De kans dat Poetin eerstdaags ergens een kernproef fikst, is groot. De kans dat hij effectief tactical core weapons zal inzetten is small, but not zero. It is expected that in January 2023 the warnings of the Doomsday Clock at the University of Chicago will be announced for a minute before midnight. Momentel is dat één minute in 40 seconds. De klok tikt. Okay for Владимир Владимирович Путин, who is 70 years old. Ik wens hem wijsheid, weetensnood en berouw.
