Complicity for dead cyclist in concrete mixer accident?

The semitrailer hit the cyclist, she is in mortal danger

The concrete mixer caught the cyclist Sandra U. (44) and rolled over her

By Maren Wittge and Christian Barth

A tragic accident took the Berlin fashion designer Sandra U. (44) out of life. A cement mixer caught the cyclist on Bundesallee and rolled over her. No charges have yet been filed against the truck driver. Now it comes out surprisingly: According to the police, Sandra U. is said to be a “contributory cause” and “used the roadway contrary to traffic”.

The police confirmed to the BZ that the cyclist violated the traffic rules.

The recently published police accident record for 2022 counts ten cyclists killed in Berlin: Two of them died when “using the roadway contrary to traffic.” According to the police, Sandra U. was one of them.

The bent bike is on the side of the road

The woman who died in the accident (44) was wrecked on the side of the road

Photo: Ufuk Ucta

The accident on October 31, 2022 in the Wilmersdorf district triggered a nationwide debate because a rescue vehicle from the fire brigade, which could have lifted the concrete mixer, was stuck in a traffic jam – triggered by climate adhesive.

The twin sister of the dead Anja U. (44) said on the TV show “Maischberger” in November last year: “Many indications indicate that my sister could still be alive”, helpers were disabled. This shows that “the risk to people’s safety is consciously accepted”. That simply overshoots the mark morally and ethically and is “no longer justifiable”.

The trial against the homeless Alexander B. (48) is currently underway. After the accident, he stabbed the concrete mixer driver in the chest when he got out. Then he ran away.

Criminal proceedings for negligent homicide are still pending against truck driver Viktor Z. – there is a risk of up to 5 years in prison. But there is no charge yet.


bike accident truck accident police
