Comparison portals: Electricity is becoming significantly more expensive

HEIDELBERG (dpa-AFX) – According to comparison portals, electricity is becoming significantly more expensive for households in Germany. According to its own information, the Verivox portal counted 123 price increases for basic suppliers in August, September and October, with an average increase of 25 percent. For a three-person household with a consumption of 4000 kilowatt hours, this means additional costs of 311 euros per year on average. Competitor Check24 had previously reported a price increase of 47.4 percent in September.

“In view of the high wholesale prices, we expect numerous electricity price increases in the coming months, which will represent an additional burden for households,” said Verivox energy expert Thorsten Storck. The average electricity price in the coming year could be 45 cents per kilowatt hour and more. According to Verivox, it is currently around 42 cents./rwi/DP/pcs
