Black Friday is in tientallen land dag van acts tegen tech giant Amazon | Buitenland

Webwinkel and the technology giant Amazon have announced that there will be a Black Friday celebration in the United States where they will be made with stakes and protests from other workers. On the other in the United States, het United Kingdom, India, Australia and South Africa, there is a higher number of people working together.

An international alliantie van vakbonden voert vrijdag een campaign onder de noemer Make Amazon Pay (Dwing Amazon te Betalen). In many countries, some of the works are regulated in terms of the number of works and the number of works in the distribution center. Daarnaast zou het bedrijf in summer lands worknemers belemmer who want to unite in a vacuum bond. Also milieu organizations and other maatschappelijke organizations are raised during the protest day.

Black Friday, de dag na de Amerikaanse feestdag Thanksgiving, state bekend as a moment waarop winkeliers nimble stunts met afgeprijsde products. Daarom is het Kortingenbal, that de afgelopen jaren also built de Verenigde States aan concern won, een van de important dagen van het jaar voor Amazon. Maar in Frankrijk en Duitsland organize vakbonden stakingen in eight tien large distribution center om de bezorging van online ordering products te dwarsbomen.

In Brussels, a protest is planned as “misbruik van belastingregels, de planeet en werknemers op wie het concern draait”, zo state op de website van de campagne. In Amsterdam there is a solidarity actie plaats voor de acties bij Amazon.

In the United Kingdom protesters medewerkers bij distributiecentra. “Amazon medewerkers in Coventry zijn overwerkt, been badly betaald and hebben he now genoeg van”, says a campaign unfortunately from a vakbond. Personnel leden het work neerleggen, three help van hun bonus van 500 pond (582 euro) mis te lopen. That may not be the case with a floor that is printed on the staking that occurs, according to the Britse vakbond.

In New York, a demonstration was planned for the apartment of Amazon judge Jeff Bezos on 5th Avenue. In Bangladesh there are factories in textile factories that deliver a protest from Amazon to Hoofdstad Dhaka and Chittagong.

In a reaction, Amazon shows “not perfect in the room”, but many works to make van good working conditions in the environment. A total of 2040 for the year 2040 means that the CO2 sea and the stoten are zero. Amazon also offers volgens hem also “competing wages and weldigige other vordelen, en vindt new manners om worksnemers gezond en veilig te houden”.

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