Astrology is tech, horoscope apps and news

TOriete is basic, unable to grasp nuances such as gallantry or hygiene. The male of the Gemini is the joy of analysts: he has so many personalities that they have a condominium meeting to argue. Compared to the Cancer man, Oedipus was a balanced little fellow. Taurus does not ask and decides for you too: guess what sign was Hitler? Virgos are habits, apparently mild-mannered, but obsessed with details: Psycho is just around the corner. Stating that Sagittarius is not very faithful is a bit like saying that Hiroshima made “a few” victims… These are the beliefs of Alice Bassi, (protagonist of Silvia Zucca’s novel and of the Netflix series Astrological guide for broken hearts) who decides to be guided by astrology, between ascendants, transits and astral compatibilities not only in love. When she discovers that the general practitioner has Mercury in Gemini, an indication of superficiality, she changes him.

In Italy 9 out of 10 people read the horoscope

Without wanting to look like her, cast the first stone who is not tempted. In Italy nine out of ten people read the horoscope. The sign and the ascendant have become information as useful as studies, musical tastes, work. They also offer good excuses. “Why are you crying?” “It’s not me, it’s my moon in Pisces.” Emma Marrone also put the astral influence in the title of her celebratory docu-film, Wrong – Leo Ascendant (on Prime Video): for the rest it’s Gemini, Moon in Aries, Jupiter in Capricorn, Venus in Taurus, a successful mix.

Yesterday there was talk of Io, today of ascendants

Milan Kundera claims that the horoscope is a powerful tool for knowing yourself. Karl Gustav Jung, who had arrived there first, wrote to an Indian astrologer thus: “In cases of difficult psychological diagnoses I have a horoscope done to acquire a further point of view from a completely different point of view”. Christine Smallwood on New Yorker she admits amazed: «Astrology has taken the place of psychoanalysis. Once, at parties, we heard about the ego and superego, today about the positions of the sun, the moon and the signs. Once horoscopes promised travel, salary increases, love at first sight, today they have taken on a more political, economic and social direction».

The boom of horoscope apps

It was the Millennials who provoked the boom of horoscope apps (there are more than 200 on the Apple Store, one download every four seconds): they need answers because they have less certainties. Co-Star uses NASA data with its algorithm to trace a very precise birth chart. The Pattern does not publish horoscopes but offers food for thought starting from the sign. Daily horoscope has long passed the ten million download mark.

Merdoscope, the astrological love story of VIPs

The Italian “case” is The Shitscope by Isabella Premutico, storytelling in an astrological key on the love stories of celebs. She, Capricorn with moon in Pisces, former event manager in London, admits that with Covid there has been a rediscovery of astrology, a tool of introspection from a light point of view, but useful for discovering one’s potential and the relationship with other. The Merdoscope on Instagram has become her work (430,000 followers).

Simon and The Stars: «Astrology is rational»

Agree Simon and The Starsastrologer of Citofonare Rai 2 (his own has just come out from Rizzoli Horoscope 2023): «It was time for the psychological component to emerge. Millennials, a generation with an open mind, do not reject something that could be interesting a priori. In the past, the astrologer was an oracle in the service of power. Today the natal chart reveals the flaws, strengths, weaknesses. By observing Venus we can understand how a person loves and wants to be loved in return, what she asks for, what she is willing to give. The zodiac is a precision instrument if one has studied it. Astrology is a key to understanding the human soul, a more rational discipline than you think, it’s not smoke, it’s not hot air. We don’t know why (maybe someday quantum physics will explain it) but it works for skeptics too. Can you help us? Yes. Even on the planets “against” we must understand each other. When Mars is crooked, you risk hitting, crashing, arguing, true, but only because you have a surplus of energy that is difficult to control».

«Astrology, healing tool»

Simon is reading An isolated Venus (Do it Human Editions), debut novel by Monica Re, a title he likes very much: «Planets that do not form aspects with others are rare. It’s hard. In the case of Venus, in love and relationships. But when you find the mate, the completion is bound to last.” For Monica Re, who runs a communication agency«astrology has been a healing tool. It helped me recover an artistic aspect hidden somewhere inside me. I have three wonderful daughters, a beautiful job, but I needed tools that speak a symbolic language, the same as our unconscious. The protagonist of the novel who has “almost” my birth chart freed me, accompanied me from noise to silence, so I was able to listen to myself, push myself to the boundaries of rationality that dominates our lives ». (And in fact in the book you will find mystical parades and the esotericism of Alejandro Jodorowsky).

The horoscope of the week from December 17 to 23, in video

How the horoscope has evolved and the unexpected

The horoscope has changed, but the unexpected remains. Francesca Tumiati, Virgo, who takes care of the horoscope of iO Donna explains it: «Collaboration with psychologists would be extremely fruitful, even an extraordinary resource for companies. Those who have Mars in Capricorn, like Chiara Ferragni, get where they want. And who has it in Pisces? He’s a quitter. And in Aries? Aim for the goal. I fell in love with astrology many years ago, it helped me in dating and in love. The horoscope has evolved, it is no longer a superficial wizard, and the internet popularized the languagethe basics”.

“Then I don’t believe much in the solar revolution. That is: if you have negative aspects, you spend your birthday in another part of the world to correct them. A friend went to Helsinki, one to Alaska, another to Moscow, but the one who had Saturn in the seventh house (end of a relationship) didn’t fix anything. It’s complicated. Even if a fanatic wanted a Caesarian section to give birth to her perfect child, with the Sun in the tenth house, but then Mars in opposition and Saturn against the Sun. There’s always something unexpected.’

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It’s not all Saturn’s fault against

Maybe for this Antonio Capitani, another oracle, treats the stars with a certain irreverence (crooked Uranus and Pluto are “Rompizebedei”, Mars is “His Hornyness”) and admits that it’s not exactly the case to blindly follow astrology. Even Alice Bassi discovers after 453 pages of the novel, that it’s nice to understand how we are made without attributing disasters to a Saturn against. But at the Milanese presentation of the Recarlo jewels, a fabulous collection inspired by the galaxies, the astrologer Chiara Viola, Scorpio, who calculated the birth chart for the guests, aroused almost more interest than the marvelous diamonds. Are horoscopes a girl’s best friend?

