Donald Trump claims to have threatened Vladimir Putin

Donald Trump claims that Russia did not dare to attack Ukraine when he was president of the United States.

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin met in Osaka, Japan, among others, in June 2019. AOP

John Dalyn and the ex-president of the United States Donald Trumpin The telephone conversation between the two was secretly filmed at the Newport Beach Country Club while the golf star held the call through the speaker.

The duo talk in a video about the war in Ukraine. At the beginning of the clip, Trump says people are afraid of the Russian president Vladimir Putiniabut he was in another country.

– He was my friend. I got along great with him. I said, ‘Vladimir, if you do that (you are attacking Ukraine), we will strike Moscow’. He kind of believed me. It is enough that he believed 5 or 10 percent. He never did it in my era, Trump explained to Daly.

Daly is also sitting in the company of others Teemu Selänne.

If the call does not appear on your device, you can view it from here.

“Taiwan is next”

During the call, Daly and Trump will also discuss the situation in Taiwan and China.

Bloombergin China supplies Russia with 70 percent of all semiconductors, computers, and smartphones. China’s semiconductor industry, on the other hand, is Economic life dependent on technology from the United States.

If China adheres to US sanctions on Russia that ban US-made technology from being exported to Russia, China will desperately need new chips.

Chips, on the other hand, are found in Taiwan, 160 kilometers off the east coast of China. Taiwan is the world’s leading chip manufacturer. Daily Mail as many as 60 percent of the world’s chip technology is manufactured there.

Now, in Taiwan, people are afraid that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will trigger a chain reaction in which Taiwan will fall victim.

According to Trump, in his era, China would not have dared to invade Taiwan because he reportedly threatened the Chinese president as well. Xi Jinping.

– Xi didn’t bother me either. I told him the same thing (as I did to Putin).

Trump says during the call that China is attacking Taiwan.

– Taiwan will be next. We’re not going to get computer chips anymore because they’re being blown off the face of the earth, ”Trump says.

Fortunately, China’s aggression may now be hampered by the fact that the Russian operation in Ukraine has so far failed miserably. If Russia had conquered Ukraine in a few days, it would certainly have boosted China’s self-confidence.
