Warder rescue brigade station flooded by extremely high water

A KNRM station was flooded this afternoon and will therefore be out of action for the next few days. The volunteers of the brigade tried with all their might to keep the water out in recent days. That did not work.

Rescue operations can no longer be carried out on the Markermeer from the station in Warder. The station’s tasks are temporarily taken over by the stations in Marken, Wijdenes and Lelystad.

Washed away sandbags

Thursday evening is actually the regular training evening for the KNRM volunteers, but things were slightly different this Thursday. “Instead of practicing, we had to carry sandbags all evening,” says Michael Montagne, a volunteer with the brigade. “But unfortunately it was to no avail.”

This morning, colleagues from Montagne came to check the condition of the station and the water was already more than 10 centimeters high. The access roads to the station are also flooded. “And most of the sandbags had already been washed away,” Montagne explains.


Montagne is happy that the station’s tasks can be taken over by colleagues. “Fortunately, due to the closing of the locks, Markermeer is very quiet in terms of shipping,” he adds. “But it’s not ideal.”

When the water has receded considerably, Montagne and the volunteers will measure the damage. That could just take a while. The station will therefore remain out of operation in the coming days.

A peak of 45 centimeters above Normal Amsterdam Level (NAP) is expected tomorrow on the Markermeer.

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