Scholz warns against fake peace in Ukraine

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – At the United Nations, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) supported the international efforts for peace in Ukraine. “At the same time, we must beware of pseudo-solutions that only have “peace” in their name,” he emphasized in his speech to the UN General Assembly on Tuesday evening, according to a previously published manuscript. “Because: Peace without freedom means oppression. Peace without justice is called dictatorship. This must now finally be understood in Moscow.”

It has been 19 months since the Russian invasion of Ukraine with no end in sight. But there are peace efforts, especially from countries that see themselves as neutral and do not impose sanctions on Russia. These include Brazil, India and Saudi Arabia. In August, representatives from more than 40 countries met in the Saudi port city of Jeddah to discuss paths to peace – including the USA, EU states and, for the first time, Russia’s most important ally, China.

Scholz said of these efforts: “Precisely because this war has unbearable consequences around the globe, it is good and right that the world also takes part in the search for peace.” However, the Chancellor warned from the outset against a dictated peace against Ukraine’s will. Ukraine is demanding the complete withdrawal of Russian troops from its territory, including Crimea.

“Let’s not forget: Russia is responsible for this war. And it is Russia’s president who can end it at any time with a single order,” emphasized Scholz. “But in order for him to do that, he must understand that we – the states of the United Nations – are serious about our principles.” In a multipolar world of the 21st century there is no longer any room for revisionism and imperialism./mfi/DP/stw
