Germany will no longer allow migrants from Italy “until further notice” | Abroad

Germany will no longer voluntarily receive asylum seekers from Italy, although this was agreed. The country points to the “strong migration pressure” and Italy’s unwillingness to implement the agreed European agreements itself. The Ministry of the Interior has confirmed this. The German government reportedly informed Rome at the end of August.

This concerns a withdrawal from the European solidarity mechanism, which stipulates that asylum seekers from the country of arrival in the EU are relocated to other European countries. This should ease the pressure on member states such as Italy and Greece.

Germany is now returning to this. The country points to the strong migratory pressure and the “continuous exceedances” of the Dublin Regulation, which stipulates that the country of arrival processes a migrant’s asylum application. As a result, the challenges in the field of reception and housing in Germany are “even more amplified”, it said.

The German newspaper Die Welt writes that the Italian government of Giorgia Meloni is no longer receiving asylum seekers from other countries. Last December she reportedly said that Italy no longer had sufficient reception capacity for this.

Of the 12,400 asylum seekers who submitted applications in the first eight months of this year, only ten people were transferred, the ministry said. Germany, on the other hand, is said to have approved 1,700 of the 3,500 applications from asylum seekers. That would create a “very tense situation in many German municipalities,” it said.
