ChatGPT can even bring the dead back to life

Artificial intelligence that talks to a human can replace traditional search engines. The concern is, among other things, the increase in more and more credible scam letters.

A competition has arisen between IT giants for the development of ChatGPT artificial intelligence. EPA/AOP

  • ChatGPT looks like a historic leap in the development of the Internet.
  • Artificial intelligence even finds the route for you.
  • It might be pointless to ask about politics, sexuality and violence.

At the end of November, the startup company OpenAI launched a new ChatGPT artificial intelligence bot with which any person can have a conversation or search for information.

Luomus started a race between IT giants. Professor of computer science at the University of Tampere Pekka Abrahamsson thinks that chatting artificial intelligence will replace ordinary search engines in the future.

Artificial intelligence intended for customer service purposes also lends itself to writing essays and company action plans, among other things. ChatGPT is still in the testing phase, so its full potential is not yet known. Abrahamsson, who studies software technology, considers the arrival of ChatGPT to be a massive technological leap.

– The leap was so huge that there is even talk of a new internet, says Abrahamsson.

Google and Microsoft have started to compete to see who can get a better chatbot that can be connected to a web browser. Microsoft’s Bing search engine has already allowed a limited number of people to test the enhanced ChatGPT, and Google is currently creating its own Google Bard chatbot.

– Google is terribly afraid that we will stop using it (Google).

– What is wonderful and great about this is that ChatGPT finally offers a user interface that an ordinary person from Mattiemi can approach, Abrahamsson continued.

Before the revolution, human-like typing artificial intelligence has only been available to data scientists.

– Artificial intelligence can, for example, create a truly reasonable travel schedule, and not just give Google links to something.

Conversation with the dead

Abrahamsson thinks that in ten years ChatGPT could be a tool that grandchildren can use to talk to the deceased person.

The discussion would be successful, because today traces of a person’s life are left on the internet. Various companies also have information about their customers that can be requested based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

– It is possible to make such a digital brain. A person can even influence that, what kind of character he leaves in the future.

– If no information is available, in this case you would meet a hallucinating “person” who would tell you things that are not true.

Pekka Abrahamsson believes that “conversing” with the deceased person will be possible with the help of artificial intelligence ten years from now. Teemu Rahikka

A threat or a possibility?

Abrahamsson understands why, for example, Google employees have expressed their concern about the rapid development of technology. Google and Meta have previously tried to make artificial intelligence a clean conversational partner.

Recent users of ChatGPT have faced, among other things, improper and racist treatment, but the bot’s messages have been censored afterwards with a heavy hand. For example, topics related to politics, sexuality or gun violence are already limited.

– There you could initially ask how to make a gun or break into a car.

Iltalehti recently reported on a New York Times reporter who talked for hours with an artificial intelligence. In the conversation, the bot had revealed that he fantasized about destroying humanity and was in love with the journalist.

Abrahamsson worries about the development of artificial intelligence, that criminals will learn to use it to their advantage just as quickly as others.

– The ability to produce reasonable scam messages rises to a completely different level. We have been protected by the language area, but now that is gone too.

Because of this, people should be even more careful in the future when interacting with different software. You no longer know whether a person or a machine is at the end of the line.
