Angela de Jong shocks with positive column about John de Mol

Angela de Jong surprises friend and foe with a positive column about a TV program by John de Mol. “This is television as it should be. Honest straight-forward TV.”


Johan Derksen chokes half on his brown sandwich in Grolloo. Angela de Jong, whom he criticized, surprised friend and foe today with a positive column about a TV program by John de Mol. She is wildly enthusiastic about the Gerard Ekdom show The Tribute: Battle of the Bands.


Gerard’s program closed on Saturday evening with a million viewers and that is very special. According to Tina Nijkamp, ​​this is the highest score for a John de Mol program since the first season of Marble Mania in 2021. And one of those million viewers was none other than Angela de Jong, who is normally not a fan of SBS 6.

Although The Tribute does not belong to the genre that Angela likes to watch, the finale certainly got her excited. “There is too little of this kind of TV in the entertainment field. Namely: honest straightforward TV. TV without a double bottom,” she writes in it AD.

“TV as it should be”

Angela is happy that it is finally not a program with a forced format full of celebrities. “But with people who can really do something. Just TV as it should be. Point.”

It’s just about love for music, according to Angela. “And it is celebrated. As a viewer you are lucky to be part of the party there. That may sound simple, but it isn’t.”

AD column

Angela’s AD column:
