Rob Goossens responds to ugly sneer from ‘angry’ Ruud de Wild

Rob Goossens, the TV expert of RTL Boulevard, responds to the ugly sneer of radio DJ Ruud de Wild at his address. The presenter of NPO Radio 2 calls him a fake Angela de Jong.


Ruud de Wild called last Thursday, on the day of the Gouden Televizier-Ring Gala, in his radio broadcast with none other than Angela de Jong. At one point he started out of the blue about Rob Goossens, who left De Telegraaf last year but kept his job at RTL Boulevard.

‘Geus, Goos?’

It is clear that Ruud is absolutely not charmed by Rob. “Say Angela, of course you’re from the AD, aren’t you? And there is also such a fake Angela de Jong at De Telegraaf. Do you ever meet up? That you say exchange things or something?”, he asks her.

Angela then: “Fake Angela de Jong at De Telegraaf?”

Ruud: “Yes, what’s his name? Rob uhhh. Rob Geus? Goose?”

Angela: “I think he has left De Telegraaf.”

Male Angela

Ruud: “Yes, but isn’t he the male Angela de Jong who is sitting everywhere now?”

Angela: “He is an expert at RTL Boulevard. No, I don’t know him. I do know other people from De Telegraaf.”

Ruud: “You have no contact with him? Because it was a bit the idea of ​​De Telegraaf that he would become the new Angela?”

Angela: “I’ve heard that too, yes, but I’m never really into it. What should I do with the competitor? I just do my own thing. If I have to deal with everyone who thinks they need to imitate me, then I’ll be busy for a long time, right?”

Rob responds

What does Rob think about this? He says: “Ah yes, Ruud de Wild… He is still angry because I said that Olcay and Talpa were a mismatch. Which is now stranded for exactly that reason. And in the meantime, he himself had great difficulty with the autocue at Boulevard because he is too vain to buy prescription glasses.”

Olcay Gulsen, whose TV career is almost on a ventilator, is Ruud’s girlfriend. And apparently collecting is not their forte.


The radio fragment in which Ruud lashes out at Rob:
