De Wever: “Rent should not be indexed if the house is not in order in terms of energy” | Inland

“The Flemish government is obliged to insulate by 2025,” says N-VA chairman Bart De Wever during ‘The Great Money Debate’ on VTM. “The premiums and interest-free loans are there. You could also say that the rent may not be indexed if the house is not in order energetically. That could act as a barrier to making landlords obligated to invest, because otherwise their returns will fall. That is a measure we could take now.”

Vooruit chairman Conner Rousseau also wants to support measures that focus on the purchasing power of tenants. “We propose to give premiums to landlords who make their homes more energy-efficient. If they do, they can deduct those investments from their taxes,” Rousseau said.

One in three Flemings does not see enough money coming in each month to pay all costs, according to the Big Money Survey of ‘Het Laatste Nieuws’ and ‘VTM NIEUWS’. Four out of ten have to nibble on their savings to make ends meet. One in ten Flemings will even borrow for this. As a solution, we want to save massively, and also work a little more. Read more here.
