Basketball EM: Germany decides thriller against Lithuania for themselves

Status: 04.09.2022 19:59

The German basketball team also won their third European Championship game against Lithuania – after two extra hours. But a protest dampens the joy somewhat.

In front of more than 18,000 spectators, including around 5,000 from Lithuania, the DBBteam on Sunday (September 4th, 2022) in the Cologne Arena with 109:107 after two overtimes (89:89, 46:41). It was the first German victory against Lithuania after eight defeats in a row.

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“We felt resistance here and there. But Lithuania is a good one team. They can play really well. We had to fight our way through. We have as team well played”said national coach Gordon Herbert at MagentaSport. NBA shooting star Meanwhile, Franz Wagner received extra praise: “It’s hard to believe he’s only 21 years old.”

Wagner best German pitcher

Wagner was the best German scorer against Lithuania with 32 points. Jonas Valanciunas scored 34 points for the visitors. Due to the third success in the third group game, the Germans in “hammer group” B can only theoretically be deprived of their ticket for the final round in Berlin (from September 10th). Should underdog If Hungary lost to France on Sunday evening (8.30 p.m.) as expected, Germany would certainly be in the next round.

This is what will happen on Tuesday (September 6th, 2022) against European champions Slovenia NBA-Superstar Luka Doncic probably about the preliminary decision in the fight for group victory. A good placement is important in order to avoid Spain and Turkey in the round of 16 if possible. After the convincing successes against France, Bosnia-Herzegovina and now Lithuania, the Germans continue to dream of their third European Championship medal after gold in 1993 and silver in 2005.

Open exchange of blows

The home advantage against the Lithuanians, who were under massive pressure after two opening defeats, was not as great as before. Once again, several thousand hot-blooded fans in green and yellow supported the three-time European champion and booed the Germans at the teamimagination mercilessly. And they saw an open exchange of blows from the start, in which Germany were carried by Maodo Lo after a few unfocused minutes.

The Berliner, who came off the bench for Schröder, repeatedly pushed for the basket at lightning speed and was always dangerous from beyond the three-point line. While the defense got better access, the offense also delivered reliably, which was guided by Wagner, who played like unleashed. The professional sank twice Orlando Magicwho scored 18 points in the first round, spectacular from the outside and contributed significantly to the half-time lead.

Valanciunas difficult to control

Germany continued to score reliably after the break, but Lithuania kept getting stronger – also because the Germans got into foul problems. Above all NBA-Pro Valanciunas was very difficult to control under the basket, and the Lithuanian three went better. The momentum threatened to tip over several times, Schröder and Co. saved a point lead in the final quarter.

There Wagner came up trumps again, hitting a three to make it 76:72 before Lithuania fought its way into overtime in a wild final phase. In the overtime Lithuania quickly pulled back to three points, but Germany stayed close and equalized with 30 seconds to go by a “and one” von Schröder (96:96). The captain kept his nerve in the second overtime as well and scored a three to make it 101:96. Lo scored two goals in the final two minutes “von Downtown” put the lid on.

Lithuania lodges a protest

Small blemish: Lithuania has officially lodged a protest against the game rating. This was confirmed by coach Kazys Maksvytis. The Lithuanians criticized that they were not awarded an additional free throw in the third quarter after a technical foul against the German bench. The European federation will now deal with the protest.

DBB President Ingo Weiss said after the game: “This is not a reason for protest. The referee made a mistake and that mistake could have been corrected.”
