He will be Berlin’s new Mr. Wahlen

Stephan Bröchler (60) teaches at the University of Economics and Law (HWR) in Lichtenberg

Stephan Bröchler (60) teaches at the University of Economics and Law (HWR) in Lichtenberg Photo: DAVIDS/Sven Darmer

From Hildburg Bruns

Now a sharp critic has to do it himself: political scientist Stephan Bröchler (60) becomes Berlin’s new Mr. Wahlen!

The Senate will appoint the professor as state returning officer on Tuesday, and he will take office in October. The expert was a member of the commission to uncover the errors in the chaos election (September 26, 2021).

Bröchler’s verdict when presenting the investigation report in July: “The breakdowns on election day were not a natural phenomenon that befell everyone.”

Although many crosses had to be made (Bundestag, House of Representatives, districts, expropriation referendum), Berlin had only increased the number of its polling stations by a quarter. In every second polling station, people stood in line for up to two hours.

Other cities are better prepared: Hamburg and Bremen double their polling stations in such cases. There were not even enough ballot papers on site, subsequent deliveries did not work. Petra Michaelis, the responsible election officer at the time, had already asked the Senate to remove her in October.

The new election officer will probably have to prepare a vote by the Berliners very soon: The constitutional court will hold a hearing at the end of September and will make a decision before Christmas. If part or even all of Berlin has to be re-elected, then in the first quarter of next year.


Berlin election
