protests at his arrival in the new school

THEThe principal of Lambrook School, the £ 21,000-per-term (per pupil) institution is faced with the first crisis caused by the imminent arrival of George of Cambridge, 9, sister Charlotte, 7, and little brother Louis, 4. The parents of the other children did not take long to make their voices heard: the school has already been transformed into a small, impregnable fortress.

George and Charlotte throw tantrums: royal travel is boring!

George’s new Cambridge school: parents anxious about armed guards

The school, located just a 15-minute drive from Adelaide Cottage in Windsor, where the Cambridge family are moving, has promised to welcome, along with George, Charlotte and Louis, also the inevitable mini army of armed guardsin uniform and in normal clothes, which will be permanently stationed at the entrance and scattered inside and outside the institute.

Bodyguard for George, Charlotte and Louis of Cambridge

George, Charlotte and Louis will have bodyguard assigned to each of them, with the task of following them everywhere and keeping an eye on them even during lessons. And pupils’ parents fear that the rigorous surveillance could cause a drastic change in the school, known so far for its informal and relaxed atmosphere.

An armored school for the little Cambridge

It will no longer be possible to freely enter and leave the institution without undergoing checks and parents who pick up the children at the end of the day will have to stay at the electric gates that will soon be installed. Sports competitions and school plays, especially in anticipation of next Christmas, will become super controlled events by security officers.

George, Charlotte and Louis of Cambridge on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, June 5, 2022 (Getty Images)

Systems from Big Brother to avoid possible attacks

Sophisticated video surveillance systems have already been installed in the gymnasium, in the huge swimming pool, in the cricket shop and even on the golf course that Lambrook School boasts, attended by 620 pupils aged three to 13.

The Cambridge, in the mood for austerity and cuts in Royal spending on taxpayers (but they will pay the fees out of their own pocket), they would have chosen it precisely because it allows the three children to attend the same school, avoiding extra costs for safety in different schools.

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The Cambridge are right to worry, though

In September 2017, a woman was arrested for sneaking into the gardens of George’s former institution, Thomas’s Battersea in Kensington. And the following year, a terrorist started an internet campaign inviting his sympathizers to attack George in his schoolforcing Buckingham Palace to overhaul the principal’s approved security systems.

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