OM will use traffic cameras in dangerous farmer actions

The police and the Public Prosecution Service will use the images from Rijkswaterstaat’s highway cameras to investigate serious criminal offenses that endanger road safety. “Like the actions and demonstrations on highways recently,” the OM East Netherlands reported on Friday.

There have been several incidents on the roads during farmer actions in recent days. For example, a motorist ran into dumped waste on a ramp to the A32 near Meppel-Noord on Wednesday. As a result, the car was a total loss.

The call for the use of the highway cameras therefore grew louder, but Rijkswaterstaat previously reported that the images are not being saved. The East Netherlands Public Prosecution Service now reports that it has “now been made possible” to secure images in collaboration with the police and Rijkswaterstaat. “These images can (in retrospect) be used for the determination of criminal offenses and the investigation thereof.”

It is unknown how it was made possible to use the images. It is also unclear whether the images of the actions of recent days can be used.
