Nearly a hundred Ukrainian refugees find work in Drenthe

Nationally, there are about 13,000 Ukrainian refugees working in the Netherlands, representing just over a fifth of the total number of registered Ukrainians in the country, reports.

Refugees in the Netherlands receive living allowance. That is 260 euros per month per person for adults and children. 205 euros of this is intended for food, the rest for clothing and other personal items. The municipalities pay it out, but can also choose to have it paid out in food and clothing, or part money and part in food. As soon as refugees work for a while, this money expires.

In Meppel, asylum seekers on the refugee boat went on hunger strike last month because of this living money. They receive everything in kind from the municipality of Meppel and they would like to receive a part in money to do their own shopping. After a few days they stopped the hunger strike.

Ukrainian refugees who work in the Netherlands will soon also be able to apply for childcare allowance. The government is preparing a legislative amendment for this. And housing benefit is also coming into the picture for Ukrainian refugees. In anticipation of the amendment of the law, the allowances will already be paid from mid-July.
