First restaurant open again after the Rolderstraat Assen fire

One of Klein Paramaribo’s neighbors can receive guests in their restaurant again this weekend. Eat Japan will open its doors again on Saturday 11 June after more than a month.

At the end of April, the Rolderstraat in Assen was rocked by the fire in restaurant Klein Paramaribo. The building had to be demolished due to the risk of collapse. Police believe the fire was not started. The investigation into the case is now closed for the time being.

The building in which the Japanese restaurant is located was slightly more fortunate. The building itself was not damaged by the fire or smoke, but it was disappointing how much soot there was, says owner Hung Lau. “Everything was blackened and covered with soot. Unfortunately, all stock, rice pans, kitchen equipment and furniture had to be thrown away. Even the ceiling was rejected and thrown away. In the kitchen there was only a lot of smoke damage.”

Recently they have been busy with cleaning and repair work. The entire ceiling had to be replaced. That took longer than expected. Earlier, the owners of the restaurant indicated that they hoped to reopen the first week of June.

The owners of Eat Japan are relieved that they can open again. “We have been very lucky. It has cost many sleepless nights, but we remain positive. Also thanks to our customers. We have received many sweet messages. Everyone sympathized with us. We are very grateful for that. We can’t wait to start again.”

Things don’t look as good for the other neighbors of the Surinamese restaurant – King Spareribs. “We are still in the same situation. We do not know what will happen. It may be that the building has to be demolished or that it will remain standing. It is all still uncertain. If the building does remain, it can certainly take years to one and a half before we can enter the building,” says the owner.

It is for the owner mainly to wait and see what will happen. There are also cracks in the building. The investigation in their restaurant is still ongoing, but they do not give up. “We will continue to deliver. We are now preparing it in one of our other buildings. But we can’t receive guests at the moment and therefore miss sales.”

Aniel Gajadhar, owner of Klein Paramaribo, indicates that he wants to continue with a restaurant. “But not immediately as big as Klein Paramaribo. The energy is gone. We will look further and ensure that we find the passion and energy again.”

Meanwhile, Gajadhar has been waiting for the insurance for a month. “The bills keep pouring in, but I have no income. The insurance is pending. It’s especially frustrating that you can’t do anything. And it has a lot of influence on my physical condition. I get physical complaints and now I’m sick. at the moment, me and my partner need to think about ourselves for a while.
