Wervik school argues on Strapdag for a ban on heavy traffic at certain hours

Wervik school argues on Strapdag for a ban on heavy traffic at certain hours

When cars are banned in the school environment, children would feel more refreshed in the classroom after a brisk walk or bike ride. Various schools therefore organize all kinds of activities around the Strap Day. Also the Futura schools in Wervik, where it is not always safe due to the many trucks or agricultural vehicles. The school is consulting with the city to ban truck traffic at the start and end of school time.

Tom Vandermeulen, Futura: “In the spring and in the dark period in the autumn, there are a lot of agricultural vehicles that collect the harvest, passing here at full speed to and from the field. “But we are also close to an industrial zone here , so a lot of trucks transport their products to and from.

Tom Durnez, Alderman for Mobility Wervik: “We are studying whether there is an option to create a total ban somewhere in the morning and in the evening. So that during the opening and closing of the school, half an hour in the morning and in the evening, there would be a ban on all heavy traffic passing on that street.”

On ‘Strapdag’, the school campaigns to get more students moving, by bike or on foot. Anyone who steps or kicks and wears a fluorescent vest will receive a strap.
