Wanda and Icardi, quarrels on the agenda: “China Suarez? Wanda surprised Mauro at … “

In Argentina, the first details emerge that tell the origin of the crisis between Wanda Nara And Mauro Icardi. Juan Echegoyen, reporter for Miter Live, revealed some details: “The relationship is very complicated and the couple’s quarrels are on the agenda, but this week something happened that somehow involved them: and China Suarez has a hand.”

“In the last few hours, Wanda would have caught Icardi watching China’s latest publications on social media and everything has exploded. Arguments, anger, arguments that have no end between the couple. The question is whether they will separate now or if they will have to continue pretending that their relationship is idyllic “, the reporter added talking about what triggered it all. The link would only be economic by now: “They have million dollar contracts, their passion for money and what they will say leads them to show themselves in love only for appearances, but in their house it is just the opposite”. China Suarez posted a photo of her wearing a pearl necklace and pants. His new relationship surprised Mauro Icardi and Wanda Nara did not take long to find out.


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