Two skiers outside – the Finnish national ski team reported bad news

Vilma Nissi and Katri Lylynperä will not be seen next weekend in France.

Vilma Nissinen got sick after the Imatra SC skiing. Jussi Saarinen

Vilma Nissinen misses the World Cup in Les Rousses due to illness, the Finnish Ski Federation says in message service X.

And that’s not all.

– Also Katri Lylynperä misses the weekend’s competitions because he has not yet returned to competition condition after being sick.

According to the federation, no substitute athletes will be named in place of the skiers.

Next weekend in France, there will be a ten-kilometer intermediate start race in free style, traditional sprints and 20 kilometers (p) as a joint start.

Nissinen skied last weekend at the Imatra SC. The last time Lylynperä competed was in the middle of December in Davos in the World Cup.

If the message is not visible on your device, you can view it from here.

Katri Lylynperä is not yet in World Cup shape. PASI LEISMA
