Tottenham Hotspur nervous about Bayern interest in Harry Kane

Tottanham Hotspur is said to be on the alert because of the ongoing rumors about FC Bayern’s interest in Harry Kane. Allegedly, the English want to create facts quickly with their goalscorer.

A recent report by the portal said “90 mins“that the Spurs were concerned about the “approach attempts by Bayern”.

The German industry leader is said to have deposited his interest in the English world-class striker a few weeks ago in the person of a middleman.

Should talks between Tottenham and Kane stall over a contract extension, Bayern could then step up in earnest and enter the bid for the London club’s captaincy.

According to information from “picture“Soccer boss Christian Falk, currently third in the English Premier League, wants to step on the gas pedal to get his superstar to extend his working paper, which expires in 2024, early.

Tottenham wants to clarify Kane’s personality before the start of the World Cup

The Spurs are now so nervous about Bayern’s advances that the personal details should be clarified before the start of the World Cup at the end of November. Tottenham are keen to speak to Kane ahead of the World Cup so they don’t feel pressured next summer. Because then the last year of the contract begins and FC Bayern could force the transfer, according to the podcast.

At the moment there should at least be no more direct contact between Tottenham and Munich in the Causa Kane. In London, however, the club bosses know very well that this could change on a daily basis and therefore want to extend their top scorer as soon as possible.

In the meantime, the only thing that seems clear is that if the Spurs actually persuade the 29-year-old to sign a new contract, it would no longer be possible for FC Bayern to finance it and the personal details would have been settled from the point of view of the German series champion.
