Three-ingredient delicious pasta saves the day – Ready in less than 10 minutes

Smoked fish pasta with just a few ingredients is a real everyday fast food.

Are you looking for an easy and quick everyday meal that can be prepared in less than ten minutes? Three-ingredient smoked fish pasta is just that.

This recipe uses Finnish lake fish instead of salmon. Various types of canned lake fish are available from several different manufacturers, you are free to choose your favorite. The pasta in the picture uses canned Leppäsavukala of the Kotimaista brand, which contains, among other things, bream and bream. For example, canned smoked salmon or smoked perch are also good for pasta.

Using fresh pasta, the cooking time of the pasta is only a couple of ridiculous minutes, so the ready meal is on the table in no time.

Three-ingredient smoked fish pasta

1 tbsp fresh pasta (fettucine)

1 pc canned smoked fish (e.g. alder smoked fish)

200 g lemon crème fraiche (e.g. Arla Lempi creme fraiche Lemon&dill)

(grated parmesan and spring onion)

1. Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package and pour out the cooking water.

2. Add smoked fish and crème fraîche to the pasta.

3. Heat the pasta again in the pot and mix well.

4. If you wish, you can add grated parmesan and spring onions on top.
