This will be 2023: What can Drenthe expect this year?

More energy news: as of today, solar panels have a VAT rate of 0 percent, which was 21 percent. Most people were already able to get the VAT back from the Tax Authorities and to remove all the administrative hassle it has now been set at 0 percent.

More good news: the statutory minimum wage is rising. That happens every year, but this year, for the first time since 1969, it goes a step further. The minimum wage rises by 10.5 percent to 1,934.40 euros per month. The benefits linked to the minimum wage will also increase. This includes social assistance, IOW, IOAW, IOAZ, AOW, Anw, Wajong, WW, WIA, WAO, Sickness Benefits Act and Benefits Act. The child-related budget, childcare allowance and child benefit will also increase this year. The rent subsidy also increases by almost 17 euros.

Something that is being banned, but not yet today, are the free coffee cups (to go), just like free meal packaging. They will be banned from July this year. You no longer get a free cup for your coffee at the station. From 2024, the cups and meal packaging in the office will no longer be welcome. So looking for alternatives.

One thing is also prohibited in the store from today: misleading ‘from before’ prices are out of the question. Where previously shops could raise their price and then give a discount on that high price, that is no longer allowed. The from price is now the lowest price of the last thirty days and no longer the increased price.
