These are the candidates of Heel Holland Bakt and this Zoetermeer is participating

In the eleventh season of All of Holland Bakt we see a Zoetermeer standing in the tent! Carla is one of the ten candidates who does everything she can to make the tastiest baked goods. Bakers ready? Bake it!

During the elimination race, in addition to Carla, Aruna, Dennis, Peter, Pien, Rachida, Rudo, Sandra, Susan and Tim will also compete for the title of Best Home Baker in the Netherlands. Of course, André van Duin, Janny van der Heijden and Robèrt van Beckhoven are also present again.

Italian Carla with a Hague accent

In the new season we see Carla from Zoetermeer baking in the popular television program of Omroep MAX. But who is she really?

Broadcaster MAX tells the following about her: Carla (58) is of Italian descent and was born in Rome. She has lived with her husband for 31 years, with whom she has two sons. She learned to bake from her Italian grandmother and mother. She prefers not to follow recipes, but to put her own spin on them. Besides baking, reading, visiting the sauna and walking the dog are also her hobbies. She spends a lot of time caring for her father.

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Carla participates in Heel Holland Bakt. Photo: Omroep MAX

Will you also take a look at the baking skills of our fellow townsman? The eleventh season of All of Holland Bakt see you from Sunday January 28, 2024, weekly at 8:25 PM on MAX on NPO 1.

More news about Zoetermeer:
