The two souls of Junts per Catalunya exhibit their division before the consultation on the Government

The post-convergent militancy will decide between this Thursday and Friday if the coalition between ERC and Junts in the Government has come to an end. The internal pulse runs the risk of ending the fracture of a formation that, after two ultimatums to Esquerra in just one month, has put an expiration date on its own unit. On this Tuesday, both sectors have been lavish in showing their support for one or the other option. Only the general secretary, Jordi Turull, following the guidelines of the party’s electoral committee, which asked that the people who hold internal positions in the formation refrain from using them to favor one of the two options of the consultation. he maintained his public silence. Decide what your 6,465 militantsthat is to say, if they choose to leave the Consell Executiu, or to remain in it, one of the two majority sectors – that of governability or that of rupture – will win or lose the vote, imposing one of the two theses.

On the one hand, if, as the sector related to the president of the formation has been promoting Laura Borras (Jaume Alonso Cuevillas, Aurora Madaula, Quim Torra and Francesc de Dalmases) and his predecessor, in addition to ‘expresident’, Carles Puigdemont (Josep Rius and Toni Comín), the bases choose to break with ERC, the future that awaits Junts is direct opposition to the ‘president’ Pere Aragonesin the story, and a loss of influence, power and positions, in practice.

If, on the other hand, the wing defended by the majority of Junts’ current holders prevails -in addition to Giró, Victòria Alsina, Lourdes Ciuró and Violant Cervera-, those with a background in Convergència and the PDECat (Xavier Trias, Joaquim Forn , Damià Calvet and Josep Rull), many of the mayors, jordi sanchez and those close to the secretary general, Jordi Turull, the formation will have to roll up its sleeves to explain its permanence after months disfiguring deficiencies in Aragonès. Specifically, three: the lack of unity in Madrid, the non-acceptance of his delegation to the dialogue table and the absence of a strategic direction for the ‘procés’.

neutrality petitions

Although Turull denied that there was a risk of rupture, the belligerence between each other has gone to more during the internal campaign, with misgivings that have dragged on since Borràs began to chain up to four defeats in one year: first, being behind Turull and Anna Erra in the management vote; later, with their candidates for the executive –David Torrents and Ester Vallès- incorporated into the leadership despite not having obtained the necessary support; thirdly, losing powers in municipal matters in the July congress; and, finally, losing to his ‘number two’ in the territorial elections.

And the fact is that the internal shock is such that the internal electoral syndicate had to intervene. Borràs herself, president of the party to make matters worse, ignored such instruction, brandishing her ‘no’ to continue in the Government on Twitter, which led to a new statement from the internal body in which they recalled their request for neutrality and made some leaders ugly the use of images and official symbols of the party. Outside the walls of the party, it is obvious that the result of the consultation, whatever it may be, will have an impact on the Generalitat, because it will be subject to unavoidable tension.

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If the rupture is activated, Junts will compete with the CUP for the seat of the leadership of the pro-independence opposition and it will imply that Aragonès has to govern alone with punctual alliances with the ‘comuns’ and, by arithmetic, with the PSC. All this will require a remodeling of the Government, with the entry of new ‘ministers’ to occupy the seven departments that would remain empty and with some budgets for 2023 pending –now in the hands of the ‘conseller’ James Giroa supporter of governability–, essential for the ERC to carry out the anti-crisis package promised by the ‘president’ in the face of high inflation in Catalonia.

But peace is not presumed either, in the event that the post-convergent bases choose to remain in the Executiu. Aragonès himself pointed it out, on Tuesday, in the control session of the Parlament, when he demanded, if this happens, “loyalty” because “after 15 days you cannot be the same again”. It is not ruled out that, if it stays, an internal remodeling of the Consell Executiu will be carried out. In part, it is forced, at least, due to the election of a new ‘vice president’, because despite the fact that JxCat tried to negotiate the restitution of Jordi Puignero, he himself asked to be removed from the conditions. And the door is also opened for ‘consellers’ already worn out by management, who decide to step aside.
