What kind of people engage in piracy, and why? A survey organized in Norway gives interesting results.
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In Norway, people’s opinions about piracy and the grounds on which people engage in it have been surveyed. Based on the answers, especially the younger population has a selective attitude towards copyright.
Torrentfreak website says that the results were obtained in a survey by the consumer research company Ipsos. It was answered by 1,411 Norwegians over the age of 15.
32 percent of all respondents believe that piracy is an acceptable way to save money. However, there is a considerable difference in the distribution of answers between different age groups.
As many as half of the respondents under 30 considered piracy to be an acceptable means of saving money. On the other hand, only one percent of those over 60 agreed with this, and 69 percent of the respondents chose the option “completely disagree”.
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On the other hand, a significant part of the survey respondents also pay for a legal streaming service. 64 percent of the respondents under the age of 30 say they have paid for something like this in the last year.
Apparently, piracy also causes the majority of respondents to feel guilty. About two-thirds of them say they have thought about the negative effects of pirated websites and services.
The survey also asked what would make respondents who engaged in piracy stop their piracy.
Only 18 percent of respondents said that the possibility of becoming a victim of fraud or malware would stop them from piracy. Instead, as many as 41 percent said they would stop because of cheaper streaming services.
Torrentfreak estimates that, in light of the figures, Norwegians are not really opposed to subscribing to streaming services. However, there are so many of them that some Norwegians don’t think it makes sense to pay for all of them, instead you can pirate some of the content you want.