the safe temperature – iO Woman

ccoffee, tea and hot drinks in general, if consumed very hot, at one temperature above 60-65°Cincrease the likelihood of developing the cancer of the esophagus. Several have proved it Scientific studies. The relationship between the consumption of very hot drinks and cancer of the stomach or upper respiratory and digestive tracts, however, is not proven. But why the excessive heat can it be detrimental?

Hot drinks: when they become carcinogenic

L’ IARC, International Agency for Research on Cancerhe inserted the hot drinks in group 2A, i.e. among the substances probably carcinogenic. Coffee and matea typical drink of Latin America, when they are not eaten piping hotfall within the group 3that of substances not classifiable as carcinogenic for man, proving that it is the heat that makes them potentially dangerous. It is therefore advisable to let drinks cool to a temperature below 60°C before consuming them.

Watch out for steaming cups

Coffee and tea are there popular hot drinkshowever, many others are consumed worldwide, either non alcoholichow mate and chocolatebe alcoholicas the calvados in France or the sake in Japan. The high temperature facilitates the dissolution of chemicals and aromas and increases the sense of gratification and well-being associated with consumption. More inactive at least partially pathogenic microorganisms and toxins: it is no coincidence that the consumption of tea is widespread in countries where boiling water before using it is a fundamental hygienic requirement. Hot drinks are usually served at one temperature of 71-85°C And consume when the temperature drops to 50-70°C.

Drinking coffee is good for the liver: a study reveals the positive effects against liver disease

Damage to the esophagus

According to Foundation experts AIRC: «The esophagus is the part of the alimentary canal which goes from the pharynx to the stomach. The tumor that concerns him is not very common: it is estimated that in 2018 have been diagnosed approx 2,000 new cases throughout Italy, with a much higher incidence in the North than in the Centre-South. The men I am affected to a greater extent of women. This data is not surprising since alcohol and smoking, predominantly male habits, are known risk factors for the onset of oesophageal cancer. Several studies have shown that the risk of developing this type of cancer is influenced by dietary habitsespecially from the habit of drinking very hot drinks».

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The thermal shock

«The studies carried out refer mostly to the eastern populationstea consumers par excellence. The thermal shock, undergone by ingesting hot drinks, may have a inflammatory effect and therefore be harmful to the esophageal epithelium. We must be guided by common sense: it is good to cool them and ingest them only when there is the possibility of support drinks in the mouth. Because if it burns to the mouth it is also for the mouth», emphasizes the Doctor Luigi RicciardielloAIRC researcher, Associate Professor of Gastroenterology at theUniversity of Bologna and Head of the diagnostic-therapeutic course of colorectal cancer at theS. Orsola-Malpighi hospital in Bologna.

