The most important plans of Prinsjesdag 2022 in simple language | News item

News item | 20-09-2022 | 15:15

Read the most important plans of Prinsjesdag 2022 in simple language.

National budget 2023

The government prepares a budget every year. It states how much money the government gets. And how much the government spends and on what things.
In 2023 and the years after, the government will spend a lot of money to support people. And there is money for the future of the Netherlands.

Problems with purchasing power

Everything in the Netherlands has become more expensive. But people have not gotten more money.
As a result, many people can buy less. They have a problem with their purchasing power.

What is the government doing?

  • The government wants wages to rise. The minimum wage will increase by 10 percent in 2023. The state pension and benefits will also increase.
  • People with little money receive a surcharge for energy through the municipality.
  • The health care allowance, housing allowance and the child budget will increase.
  • People who work have to pay less tax on their wages. That way they save more money. People who own a lot of property will pay more tax on this.

Taking care of the future

The Netherlands has a lot of work to do for the future. For example, in the areas of education, housing, work, health and the environment. We have to make plans for that now. If we wait longer, the problems will get worse. And the solutions are even more expensive.

In the coming years, the government will spend a lot of money on education and equal opportunities, on housing, the future of the countryside and climate change. There is also money for the army. The war in Ukraine is causing problems with purchasing power. And threatens the borders of Europe and how we want to live together in Europe.

Every country has debts: the national debt. At the moment, the national debt of the Netherlands is not a problem. The government believes it is important that the national debt does not rise too much. The government wants young people not to end up with too high a national debt later on because of choices that the government is making now.
