The exotic superfood that eliminates diabetes and cholesterol

11/13/2022 at 07:15


Superfoods are the order of the day and can help fight diseases

There is one that is increasingly used from Polynesia

The shopping list has more and more products to choose from and one that is all the rage has just arrived. There is a superfood that you must know if you want to prevent diabetes and cholesterol. Superfoods are foods that are very rich in nutrients, especially fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, or fatty acidswhich is considered beneficial for health.

They are well known as nuts, salmon, yogurt, aloe vera, cinnamon, or spinach or others such as moringa, kalé, amaranth or fonio, among others. Today we will look at the second group, with a rather tropical one.

This is the case of noni, a tropical fruit from Polynesia. It resembles the custard apple being from pale green color and having white meat with small dark-colored bones.

Not being very tasty it is usual take it as a smoothie juice with other fruits or mixed with honey, sugar or some sweetener. Despite the benefits of noni, its consumption is not recommended for pregnant women and people with liver, kidney or heart disease.

What benefits does noni have?

Experts say that noni has the following benefits:

  • Helps improve the immune system
  • Promotes the reduction of triglycerides and blood cholesterol
  • prevents cancer
  • Helps control diabetes
