The blow of the BoerBurger Movement

In this Hague Affairs we discuss the meaning of the results of the Provincial Council elections. Petra de Koning, Philip de Witt Wijnen and Lamyae Aharouay look back at the campaign, but above all look ahead: what do these results mean for politics and policy? And what does the victory of a party like the BoerBurgerBeweging say about the mood in the country?

@Apjvalk // @LamyaeA // @pdekoning // @PhilipDeWW

Continue reading and listening

Podcast Today – What does BBB’s monster victory mean for the Netherlands?

BBB sorts ahead of the formation

Why BBB is big everywhere: This is not just the rural victory

How should Rutte IV continue after the elections: left and right?

Dossier Provincial States Elections

Watch the podcast Between the lines here.

Do you have questions, suggestions or ideas about our journalism? Then email our ombudsman at [email protected].

Gus Valk
Lamyae Aharouay, Petra de Koning and Philip de Witt Wijnen
Editorial & Production:
Iris Verhulsdonk & Vita van Lennep
Peter Baker
Eric Brinkhorst
