That’s why IG Metall is against stopping the supply of Russian gas

Workers’ representatives in the metal industry warn against a supply freeze for Russian natural gas. This would also jeopardize the basic needs of the population.

“If the gas supplies are curtailed or stopped, the industry in Germany will gradually come to a standstill,” says IG Metall District Manager Birgit Dietze (49). Everything from steel to mechanical engineering to the automotive industry is affected.

The trade unionist continued: “The supply of the population would then also come to a standstill. After the experience of empty shelves and panic buying of toilet paper during the pandemic, I don’t want to imagine what would happen then.”

From Dietze’s point of view, there is no point in putting oneself on the sidelines economically in Europe. One should not become unable to act oneself: “This is not an immoral position. The accusation that one’s job is more important than suffering is unfair. Because we help in every way. But in such a way that we as a German economy are still able to act.”

also read

► Hardly anyone is more dependent on Russian natural gas than Berlin

► Do we really need the gas from Russia so urgently?

Works councilor Dirk Vogeler from steel producer ArcelorMittal in Eisenhüttenstadt also says: “It would be a disaster if Germany turned off the gas tap itself.” B. by electric ovens is planned, cost the group two billion euros.
