Surprise duet in The Voice of Finland: Maija Vilkkumaa takes to the stage

22-year-old Emil Pohjanen’s stage show gets the star coaches excited.

In the evening’s episode, Emil Pohjanen is unexpectedly joined on stage by Maija Vilkkumaa. Saku Tiainen

22 years old living in Jyväskylä Emil Pohjanen performs Nelli Matula’s song in tonight’s episode of The Voice of Finland To the future. Before his performance, Emil says that he has always loved pop music.

– Pop stardom is my dream. I would like to be an artist, that is my biggest dream. I would like to make music, create my own concepts and be responsible for the visuals. If I could be responsible for everything on the visual side, I would be happy, he says.

Emil’s interpretation of the song “To the Future” gets the star coaches moving, but most of them miss most of the performance. Among other things, Anna Puu only turned her chair in the final stages of the show.

– It saddens me that I didn’t see your show, because you are clearly a performer, Anna praises.

Maija Vilkkumaa has a solution to the situation, which also completely surprises Emil.

– Hey, we could sing the chorus. Can I draw a stemma? Then you’ll see it, Maija says, referring to the show, and walks onto the stage.

After the surprise duet, Anna tries to appeal to Emil and proposes him to her own team.

– We would be a good team together, because of your butt weakness, you should join my team. Because chicness is the salt of life!

Maija also wants Emil to join her team.

– It was great to run the show with you on stage. The song is wonderful. One of its factors is Kaisa Korhonen, with whom I have also often sat in my study writing songs. Here belongs his wonderful spirit.

Anna interrupts Maija’s sales pitch and appeals to Emil again.

– Speaking of Kaisa Korhose: she bought my old farm garden cottage, and this song may have been born there too, Anna throws in.

Maija Vilkkumaa woos Emil to her own team. Saku Tiainen

The Voice of Finland today on Nelose at 20:00. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.

TVOF star coaches Maija Vilkkumaa and Elastinen told Iltalehti what kind of singer they were looking for in the competition. Henri Kärkkäinen
