Sumar and Podemos sign the coalition agreement despite last-minute tensions

Sumar and Podemos have signed the coalition agreement to jointly attend the general elections next year 23-J. After ten days of intense negotiations that have resulted in a highly harsh ending, the purples have ratified the pact to go to the elections on the Sumar ballot, despite complaints about the veto to Irene Montero and due to the low representation they have on the electoral lists.

Four hours after the deadline to register alliances expired, the purple party ratified the pact with the second vice president for which they obtain the position number 5 on the Madrid listwho will occupy the general secretary of the party, Ione Belarrathe fourth in Barcelona, ​​where the Secretary of Organization will present, Lilith Verstryngeand the head of the list by Cadiz or Murcia, among other places. “We could be left without representation in Congress,” denounced Belarra, however, about this offer that they ended up accepting.

Thus, Podemos gets on the carousel of alliances that Yolanda Díaz has sealed in recent days, with dragon tree, the party of Alberto Rodríguez that will be head of the list for Santa Cruz de Tenerife; with the Aragonese Chuntawhich will have number 1 for Zaragoza; More Madrid, which will have three starting positions in the lists for the capital and will mark the stamp of the national campaign; Compromís, who will have the head of the Valencia list, among other positions; in addition to UI, who will lead the candidacies of Córdoba, Málaga and Tarragona; either Catalonia in Comúwhich has formalized its agreement late this Friday.

“Its about broader and more plural agreement achieved in the entire democratic stage in Spain between progressive and green forces”, they have claimed from Sumar in a statement. Despite the clashes with Podemos, in Sumar they claim that the pact is the result of the “generosity of very diverse political forces”.The future is an open play. We went out to win the country,” the letter concludes.

a difficult outcome

Almost in discount time and in an environment that is not conducive to exciting the public, the leader of Sumar has achieved the goal that she had been promising for more than a year, unify all formations to the left of the PSOE in a single candidacy under the name of Add throughout the territory, except for specific exceptions, and that he will use a photograph of himself as a logo on the ballot papers. However, nothing has been easy.

The electoral advance caught Díaz off guard and has forced him to speed up a process for which he expected to have several months. In these ten days the main stumbling block has been the negotiation with Podemos, which until this Friday has not been closed. The general secretary of the purples confirmed at noon her intention to ally with Sumar, but she denounced that Díaz had vetoed Montero and left them with representation on the lists that could lead to their disappearance from Congress.

After Belarra’s accusations, the purples have continued to negotiate with Díaz’s team. However, the agreement that has ended up being registered is the same one that was on the table at the beginning of the morning. Thus, Podemos obtains fifth place in the lists for Madrid, which, predictably, will be occupied by Belarra; the fourth for Barcelona; and the numbers one for Ávila, Araba, Badajoz, Cáceres, Granada, Guadalajara, Gipuzkoa, Las Palmas, Murcia, Navarra, Palencia Segovia and Teruel. The purple see it insufficient.

other quarrels

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They are not the only ones. There is also some discontent in Izquierda Unida, the party to which Díaz belonged during more than 30 years and that from the beginning he made himself available to Díaz. With only four starting places they consider that they have been treated unfairly. Especially taking into account that it has been the formation that best resisted at the municipal level in 28-M.

They have come out much better unemployed More Madrid and commitment. With much better results in the regional and local elections last month, both formations have received more beneficial treatment. In Madrid, Mónica García’s formation has received third place, which will be occupied by the Saharawi activist Tesh Sidi; the fourth, for Íñigo Errejón; the seventh and tenth.
