Shadows Over Loathing: Stick figures solve crimes

An uncle has disappeared on a treasure hunt. Find him in a world full of stick figures in Shadows Over Loathing. The game doesn’t hold back on its silly humor.

From lifelike game characters to intricate lighting effects, consoles and PCs can now display more intricate detail than ever before. However, “Shadows Over Loathing” shows that there is a much easier way with stick figures and a good pinch of humour.

In the USA in the early 20th century, players with a self-created game character accept an invitation from their uncle Murray. But this one has disappeared from the face of the earth, the antique dealer has never returned from a search trip for relics. In order to find him again, you go on a hunt for the cursed objects yourself.

A bunch of crazy stories in “Shadows Over Loathing”

In a freely accessible world you meet a lot of strange characters who tell all kinds of crazy stories. Above all, the focus is on silly humor, which the game brings with it with funny character classes (“Cheeze Wizard”), unusual clothing and a sarcastic narrator on every corner. In turn-based combat, you attack opponents with collected items from baseballs to falling pianos.

The line look is kept as simple as possible. You rarely see colors or straight lines. The game world is still lovingly designed. The game will hardly exhaust the graphics power of a modern gaming PC, but older computers will also be able to handle it well. It’s also good news.

No translation into German

Overall, the game is divided into six chapters until you reach Uncle Murray or one of the possible end scenes – depending on your behavior in the game. Unfortunately, you have to do without a German translation. However, if you have a good knowledge of English and enjoy the flat humor of “Shadows Over Loathing”, you should have a lot of fun with the game.

“Shadows Over Loathing” is available via the Steam download platform for PC and Mac and costs 22 euros.
