Set up quiet times on your smartphone

Most of us have our smartphones in our hands at all times, and that’s no exaggeration. It would be important to relieve the mind, eyes and musculoskeletal system in between, i.e. to observe regular cell phone rest periods. But even if you do this specifically, notifications still tempt you to reach for the device. Luckily you can mute your cell phone. TECHBOOK explains how to set up short-term and recurring rest periods on your smartphone.

Quiet times mean the mode that is called “Do not disturb” or “Focus” on the smartphone. In this setting, your smartphone stays connected to the network, so you can still receive calls and receive voice or text messages. However, the notification function (ringtone, vibration) and push messages are switched off. You can set this mode to activate itself at set times. On the one hand, this makes sense in order to take regular breaks from accessibility. On the other hand, it can increase productivity if, for example, the smartphone is automatically muted for the duration of working hours.

Not to be disturbed in different situations

Manufacturers recommend the mode in situations in which you want to sleep, concentrate on work or your fellow human beings, and of course also in between, to switch off from everyday life and the constant sprinkler. Depending on the device or software, there are special subcategories for this, which can sometimes be configured very individually. For example, it makes sense for the screen to have dark colors and low brightness in sleep mode.

Also interesting: Is the blue light from screens really bad for sleep?

How to set focus and sleep times on iPhone

Go to the Focus menu item in your iPhone settings. Here you can adapt the “Do not disturb” mode to your individual needs in various categories, some of which are preconfigured (e.g. work, sleep, time for me). You can also add your own categories. Under “Specified time window” you ensure that the respective quiet times activate themselves at defined times.

Are there people you should also be able to reach at work or at bedtime? Then you have the option here to allow messages or calls from them. You can also allow notifications from specific apps here.

Shortcut through the control center

In order to activate the focus mode spontaneously, for example before a business appointment, you cannot save yourself the detour via settings. You can also find it in your control center, along with various other handy shortcuts (e.g. camera and flight mode), by swiping down from the top of the screen. The do not disturb mode is hidden behind the crescent moon icon.

Set quiet times on android

On the Android smartphone there is also the option to mute notifications for calls and messages. To do this, go to the “Privacy & Security” menu item in the Settings app. Here you will find the sub-item “Do not disturb”. Instant mode is on when you flip the labeled switch. Under the menu item “Planned” you can set that quiet times on your smartphone should be switched on again and again.

allow exceptions

Android users can also be reached in “do not disturb” mode in urgent cases or by specific people. To do this, call up the menu item “Allow only important interruptions” in the settings. Under “Important Interruptions” you can select specific contacts that you can call or at least message you even during idle times. Simply make the appropriate selection.

In emergencies, the sleep mode can be tricked

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you absolutely have to reach someone whose smartphone is currently in “Do Not Disturb” mode, there is an emergency hack. After the first unsuccessful attempt to call, call again immediately. If the person hasn’t turned off the default “Allow repeated calls” choice, you should be able to pull through.
