Sea then not treated with Covid-19? Then there are more kans op gezondheidsproblemen | medical

People who have had more than one Covid-19, have a risk of not having a problem because of gezondheidsproblemen then people who have not had a problem with the coronavirus, will be asked to do the first large study about the country.

Herhaaldelijke besmettingen names toe naarmate het virus muteerde, maar de effectsen op long termijn van herbesmettingen op de gezondheid were tot nu toe onduidelijk. A new study, published today in the publication ‘Nature Medicine’, reports on the risk of the first hoe and a herbicide for the risk of gezondheidsproblemen in the long-term covid (‘long covid’).

The American National Socialists analyzed the anonieme medical dossiers of 5.8 million people in a database over gezondheidszorg van het Amerikaanse Ministry of Veteranenzaken. In total, 443,000 men had den Tussen Maart 2020 in April 2022 at least éen no positive test for the coronavirus. Onder hen hadden 41,000 people sea dan één no Covid-19. The over 5.3 million people will nooit besmet with the coronavirus.

Hard en long problems

Toen de onderzoekers de gezondheidsresultaten van de Schillende groepen anderzochten, ze dekten ze dat mansen, memensen besmet, had a high risk of all kinds of gezondheidsproblemen, says Ziyad Al-Aly, epidemiologist at de Washington University in Saint Louis and hoofdauteur van de study.

Hard and long problems are expected to occur in the three main seas before the menses, which are then determined. A preparation worked as a result of the study of hersenaandoeningen, which aimed at diabetes in the hand.

The applicants recognize that the study already knows which people are affected.
