Russian troepen aan stadsrand Lysytsyansk stopped dead | Buitenland

In het oosten van Oekraïne zijn Russian troops dead stopped on the outskirts of Lysytsjansk. That reports the Oekraïense casually. Volgens de generale staf in Kiev zijn daarbij nimble liezen brought to het Russian leger, that nu reserves naar het front you want sturden. The Russians try the city, which follows from the governor of Loehansk, who now lives within the area of ​​Russian vuur ligt, te omsingelen.

The day was badly started for the Oekraïense strijders. In de plaatsen Solote en Hirske (ten zuiden van Lysytsjansk; nvdr) ze omsingeld door de vijand. Het Oekraïense leger most nadien toegeven dat Russian troepen delen van Hirske veroverd hadden. Rondom Hirske was still heavily voted.

Lysytsjansk is the last largest city in the Loehansk region, which is still entirely under the Oekraïense controle state. On the other edge of the Severski River Donets lies in the city of Severodonetsk, which is largely the case in Russia. Honderden burgers were mostly in a chemical factory.

“Geen grande stad in Donetsk veilig”

“Geen little town in the oost-Oekraïense region of Donetsk is for residents”, says the regional governor Pavlo Kirilenko. “The battled tussen het Oekraïense en het Russian leger zijn te hevig.”

Volgens Kirilenko is the moment “extremely warm” for the inhabitants of the picture. De evacuatie van burgers gaat onverminderd verder, gisteren 251 people are brought to veiligheid.

“The situation in the region will be higher than normal, and you will try to concentrate on it,” het says. “Vooral on the way Bachmoet-Lysytsyansk is considered to be one way bijzonder gevaarlijk. The most important missie is on the request from the vijand to the important cities of Slovjansk and Kramatorsk te stop.” There are still 45,000 residents in Kramatorsk, a city close to ten kilometers from the front line.

Aan het zuidelijke front raised Russian troops fire tanks and other military material from het Oekraïense lighter in the building of Mykolajiv bestookt with “zeer nauwkeurige wapens”, reports the Russian Ministry of Defense. Mykolajiv, a river haven in the center of the Schepsbouw vlak near the Zwarte Zee, is a horde that the Russian troops must have if they are printed near the west of the city of Odesa.
