Province distributes 937,000 euros in subsidies over 29 climate projects

Province distributes 937,000 euros in subsidies over 29 climate projects

In addition, the deputation of the Province of West Flanders also distributed 77,000 euros in support from 14 municipalities for 19 local participatory climate projects. This support fits within the project ‘Municipalities for the future.’

In total, 29 climate projects together receive 937,000 euros in support. With this, the Province wants to further strive for a climate-neutral territory at provincial level.

Local climate projects

This year 24 project applications were submitted for subsidy. Ultimately, 10 projects will receive support. The approved projects jointly aim for a saving of 514 tons of CO2 per year.

These are projects of the Municipality of Anzegem, the City of Bruges, the City of Ypres, the City of Izegem, the City of Ostend, the Municipality of Wingene, the Municipality of Wevelgem, Free Primary and Kindergarten Kuurne, Bolwerk vzw, Vondels vzw.

The various approved projects focus on, among other things, connecting to a heat network, relighting, sustainable renovations, energy-positive sports hall and sharing energy.

Route ‘Municipalities for the future’

In 2019, the Province concluded a cooperation agreement with Bond Beter Leefmilieu under the heading ‘Municipalities for the future’. In this way, local authorities can set up low-threshold concrete actions on themes such as mobility, energy, food, green, circular and sharing building and living. The promotions may cost a minimum of 1,000 and a maximum of 15,000 euros.

Municipalities choose a project and a sub-organization of Bond Beter Leefmilieu helps them on their way. Each route is tailored to the needs of the local government.

The approved projects range from car sharing support in Bruges, Izegem, Langemark-Poelkapelle and Oostkamp to reducing food loss in Deerlijk, Oudenburg and Roeselare. Ypres and Lo-Reninge are committed to saving energy at companies and associations. The provision of greenery in the street will be started in Blankenberge and Menen. There is also full use again on slow roads, including in Dentergem, Lo-Reninge, Torhout and Wervik. A new project in this regard is the softening of slow roads that is being set up in Lo-Reninge and Wervik.
