Party twice. Tolsma twins honored for their 25th anniversary at Bicycle Showband Crescendo. Jubilee association organizes Take One in Opende

Tolsma twins honored. Own picture

Leonard and Willemijn Tolsma were honored for their 25th anniversary with Bicycle Showband Crescendo. The show band focuses on April 30, because the jubilee association is the organizer of the pre-WMC festival Take One in Opende

Leonard and Willemijn Tolsma were recently surprised with a celebration for their 25-year membership at Bicycle Showband Crescendo. While Leonard, after doing some calculations, suspected that it was his turn for a ceremony during the annual members’ meeting this year, Willemijn was not prepared at all and it came as a surprise. Chairman Albertha Hoekstra has put the jubilees in the spotlight by handing them a silver pin on behalf of the KNMO, the Royal Dutch Music Organization.

This ceremony was, of course, supported by a speech by the chairman. Various experiences were reviewed and their contribution to the club was also discussed in detail. Such as Willemijn’s role within the board and her unbridled commitment to the uniforms. But also Leonard’s active role within the media team and his passion for youth as a conductor and instructor. The full report can be read on the Bicycle Showband site.

Organizer Take One in Opende

The show band is 100 years old this year and received the Royal Medal of Honor in February. Now they are setting the polls on April 30th, because the jubilee association is the organizer of the pre-WMC festival ‘Take One’. On which northern show corps will present their WMC program. The festivities will start at 2 p.m. at sports park De Olde Wierden in Opende.

This article is the product of a collaboration between the editorial boards of Dagblad van het Noorden and Westerkwartier
