Parking problems plague Groningerstraat Assen, residents want parking permit

Residents of the Groningerstraat in Assen can no longer park in front of the door, because day trippers who visit the center and company cars occupy the parking spaces during the day. A letter to the municipality asks for a parking permit in the street, where parking is still free.

The parking problem has been going on for years. Because the nuisance is increasing, a group of residents is now writing a letter to Asser politics. They blame the problems on the increased parking rates in the center and the disappearance of the parking space on the Veemarkt. There are also fewer parking spaces on Groningerstraat.

A parking permit would be the solution, the authors of the letter think. Though they fear it will only displace the problem. They are therefore for entering a larger parking zone and not only for them, but also for surrounding streets. Whether that will happen is not yet clear.
