Our school has a roof damage!

The students at the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy High School have been at home for over two weeks. This is not due to corona measures, but to a broken roof.

Parents and students are angry. They wait long enough for the roof damage caused by a storm on February 17 to be repaired.

Only after the mothers and fathers had exerted a lot of pressure did the first measures begin on February 28th. A non-existent lifting platform is said to have been the reason for the delay …

Some bricks are missing, others are loose: Building 1 of the Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Gymnasium is affected by the closure (photo: christian lohse)
Some bricks are missing, others are loose: Building 1 of the Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Gymnasium is affected by the closure (photo: christian lohse)

“The fact that the whole thing has been dragging on for almost three weeks also shows that those responsible in the Berlin administration do not take their educational mandate seriously. A scandal!” scolds the mother of a student.

Another problem: Homeschooling is out of the question! “My daughter gets PDFs and she has had three online conferences so far and yesterday at another school for the first time. So practically no school,” says a father.

The kids are upset too: “I don’t like homeschooling. It’s no fun. I want to be with my friends,” says Bruno L. (13) sadly.

A barrier secures the construction site on the roof of the school (Photo: Ralf Günther)
A barrier secures the construction site on the roof of the school (Photo: Ralf Günther)

When asked by the BZ, the district office wrote: “Site fences have been put in place, entrances have been covered and a lifting platform has been organized for roof repairs. The delay was caused by the extensive storm damage across the city that needed to be cleaned up.”

After all: According to the parents’ representatives, the school building should reopen next Wednesday (March 9th).
