OM demands 15 years in prison for shooting daughter (17) in failed liquidation drug lord

For own home

On that particular March 16, the family of the 59-year-old Ahmet G., who appears to be the target of the attempted liquidation, gets out of the car around 12:00 in the afternoon in the parking lot in front of their house.

Then two men approach them and start firing from nowhere. G. is hit in the leg himself and another bullet grazes his daughter. They are both slightly injured. One of the men tries to fire another bullet at the man’s ex-partner, but that fails because his weapon falters.

The OM thinks it has enough evidence to find the men guilty. A clear DNA trace of one of the suspects was found in the getaway car. Data from the telephones of the suspects and telecom masts in the area, and chat messages would also prove that these are the perpetrators.
