Nick & Simon don’t convince Yvonne Coldeweijer: ‘Liars!’

The big interview of Nick & Simon at the talk show table of Eva Jinek makes little impression on juice queen Yvonne Coldeweijer. She believes nothing of the gentlemen. “I’ve looked at lies.”


Yvonne Coldeweijer had incredibly little faith in advance in the way in which Nick & Simon would be interviewed by Eva Jinek, but the talk show queen did not ignore the gossip about Simon Keizer. She asked the gentlemen whether that gossip played a part in the decision to stop.

“Two liars!”

Eva serves the juice channels at their beck and call. “I am very happy with it”, Yvonne responds to her dreaded juice channel. “It is juicer turned out than I thought. She was really into it. It was almost as if she was thinking: I really have to ask this, or I’ll be wrecked. But you did that well.”

However, the answers from Nick & Simon do not convince Yvonne. “I just have to say… These guys really are pros in media. Wow, how I looked at lies, packaged so well and authentically. Wow, really, hats off! Because I don’t believe a single ball of this shit story, but they come across so nice.”

‘Gives shivers’

Yvonne states that Nick no longer wants to be associated with Simon because of his alleged misconduct, but with Eva they acted as if nothing was wrong. “So when they talk and answer the questions, you think: nothing is wrong, they are still having fun with each other, but as soon as one talks and you look at the other, that’s not normal!”

She continues: “That’s a non-verbal communication that gives me the shivers! That’s not good haha. Especially Nick! What the f*ck! So much tension in his face. For real, weird just, very intense.”

Juicy interview

Simon had those same strange facial expressions, according to Yvonne. “But when there was talk it suddenly seemed warm and cozy. It’s so crazy, but yes, I thought it was a juicy interview. It’s better than I expected, so thanks, Eva. I still don’t actually believe it. I don’t think they can vent or see each other.”

The juice channel Juice Channel agrees. “In the end we all watched a puppet show set up by two men who can no longer air or see each other, but act as if there is nothing wrong with it. Let them believe that lie themselves. Even Eva Jinek doesn’t believe it.”


According to RTL Boulevard, TV-watchers in the Netherlands don’t believe Nick & Simon either. According to the show section, they blame them for acting. “The men did their best to keep up appearances and insisted there was absolutely no arguing, but viewers found their story anything but credible.”

One viewer, quoted by Boulevard, says: “Even true fans will have to recognize that this is one big play! Appallingly bad. Even GTST was better today!”


Incidentally, according to other viewers, RTL Boulevard is not the most reliable source in the field of Nick & Simon news:
