Municipality of De Wolden comes with political podcast to also get young voters to the polls during the municipal elections in March

The municipality of De Wolden is coming with a special election podcast called ‘Political Tour De Wolden’. In the podcast, the seven party leaders come by to go deeper into the election program of their party.

The podcast was created for young voters to inform them in an accessible way about the municipal elections and to motivate them to go to the polls on March 16, 2022. The seven episodes discuss the political careers of the party leaders, their motivation and they try to update young people from De Wolden on the basis of a chosen theme. All this to help them make an informed choice in the voting booth.

The first episode can be listened to on Spotify from 8 February. Two episodes come online every week and mayor Inge Nieuwenhuizen is a guest in the last episode. The podcast is one of the means that the municipality of De Wolden is using this election period to promote turnout in the election of the new city council. The voting aid will be launched on 25 February and on 2 March the election newspaper will be delivered to every resident of De Wolden.


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