Money, how to talk about it with your partner. 5 practical tips

THEThe holiday season can be the right time to put some difficult topics on the table, between a slice of panettone and good resolutions for 2023. As are, in most couples, financial issues. How to talk about money with your partner without ruining the party? Some advice not to postpone the venture to next year.

Women, money and financial education

Constructively managing the topic of money in the couple: this too can be a good resolution for 2023. Starting this end of the year, with the advice of tax fix (app created to make online tax returns easier).

Useful advice all the more so for women given that even today there is a great inequality between their ability to manage financial resources, compared to men. From a Taxfix search, it emerged how the perception of women is that of being overwhelmed (51%), uncertain (51%) and powerless (40%) before completing the tax return. As if the topic of money wasn’t for them.

There is a strong emotional component that arises from a cultural heritage on the lack of familiarity in the bureaucratic practices of womenand. Technology, by its inclusive nature, could become a key factor in breaking down this wall of stereotypes. But still this year, only 36.5% of the users who filed their tax returns through Taxfix were women.

How to talk about money with your partner

1. Be sincere: Financial information should be shared transparently in the couple. This it doesn’t mean pooling all your savings or look into each checking account, but rather be honest with each other about the financial decisions that are being made.

2. Respect equality and inclusiveness: in a couple you should always have equal say in financial decisions, even if one of the partners earns more, and both should be actively involved, even if one of the two is more “confident”, ie is more at ease, in addressing certain topics.

Making the couple last: the importance of combining autonomy and belonging

3. Keep an Open Mind: how we handle money is influenced by what we have learned in previous years. Talking about money can be complicated for the partner who, perhaps, has a different past in financial terms. So you need to be empathetic and consider the other’s point of view.

4. Take baby steps: there’s no need to talk about large investments right away, you can start from small daily expenses and delve deeper and deeper into more complex topics.

5. Learn together: financial matters they can intimidate because the technical terms are not known and at the same time the presence of a greater knowledge on the part of one of the two partners can create an imbalance. The ideal is therefore to work together to develop a solid understanding of financial topics.

