Mikko sold his property and moved to London at the age of 19 – Managed to create a significant career in the fashion industry

Mikko Puttonen, who comes from a small town, has always made bold choices and it has paid off. She is now creating an impressive international fashion career.

When Mikko Puttonen, 28, was a small child, his home had a treasure chest full of interesting role-playing clothes. Creativity, self-expression, were a big part of his family’s everyday life.

Sometimes The Lion King, sometimes Madonna has been shown with the siblings.

Mikko feels that this has been a significant factor in shaping his future.

– What fascinates me about clothes is how they can express and lift my own mood. I believe that part comes from those dress up games of my youth.

Even today, when the Puttonen family has a party at home, they always dig out any outfit from the costume chest.

– We might be wearing chicken hats at barbecue parties, the fashion influencer happily describes.

The parents did not restrict the children’s clothing in any way. Rather, they participated in the moments. Mother always painted the children’s faces when necessary, Mikko recalls.

– There was a really creative environment at home, which was wonderful. I think it is really important that children’s creativity is not limited.

Puttonen currently works as a fashion influencer and photographer. He has worked for Vogue and numerous name brands such as Gucci and Christian Louboutin.

All this has started in Muurame, although it was not easy.

Mia Siren

Childhood in Muurame

At home, Mikko was allowed to be himself, but every time he went to the village or school, the situation was different. His clothing choices that differed from the crowd were a big topic of conversation, you could often notice it in the atmosphere. Especially among boys.

– If there was something different on it, the crowd noticed it right away. That was one of the reasons why I wanted to leave Muurame as soon as possible.

Mikko understands that times were still different back then. Diversity wasn’t talked about much and what you saw on TV or at school was very limited.

– If you deviated from the mass, then the atmosphere was a bit problematic.

However, Mikko did not let this affect his actions in any way.

– We had theme days with our friends and made outfits out of, say, garbage bags.

“Everything started from the forests of Muurami”

Mikko started taking photos at art school. This was one of his ways of escape. He also found his best friends through it.

In addition to his photography hobby, one turning point in Miko’s life was a few girls’ blogs. This was a whole new world.

– It feels like such an ancient time, he says with a laugh.

He became interested in the idea and ended up starting his own blog when he was 15 years old. It was a good way to present his own pictures, which in the beginning were mainly pictures of nature or his friends.

– However, that’s where it all started, from the forests of Muurami.

The blog was like a diary for him. The Irc gallery was already dead at that point.

– The blog was very personal in the beginning. I didn’t think it was for anyone. Quite suddenly it started to grow really fast.

– A boy from Muurame describes in the forest, so it interested a surprising number of people, Puttonen laughs.

When fashion started to interest him more, it also showed up in the blog to a greater extent.

“I sold almost my entire property”

From Muurami, Mikko moved to Turku to study photography. It also didn’t seem to be far enough from Muurami, where Mikko, according to his own words, would never return.

– It was probably some kind of teenage angst, he admits with a laugh.

Now over the years Living and working abroad, he has learned to appreciate it a lot.

– Muurame is a beautiful place. It’s wonderful to spend time there surrounded by nature, he describes.

However, after graduating from Turku, he ended up moving to London on a whim.

– I didn’t know where to start. I had never been to London or traveled much.

It’s been about ten years now. At that time, 19-year-old Puttonen approached a fashion blogger living in London Sandra Hagelstamia to ask him for tips for his future hometown. At the beginning of the move, Hagelstam was a great support and security for him. They started working together.

– Moving was a decision that I really don’t regret.

The room was found in the Finnish People Living in London Facebook group when three girls were looking for a new roommate.

“I barely even spoke English”

At first Mikko was in shock.

– I marveled at those huge shiny buildings, I couldn’t read the map correctly and I always went in the wrong direction, he recalls.

– I hardly even spoke English. I was in a restaurant, and I didn’t dare to order eggplant, for example, because I didn’t know how to pronounce it. It was really exciting, but eye-opening.

Mikko recommends traveling and moving to new places, even if it scares you. You can always go back.

– There is a bit of an attitude in Finland that you will definitely come back on the milk train. I’m thinking so what? I have a home here and if everything goes wrong, I can come back here.

– That thought helped change. I felt that I didn’t need to have any ready-made excel sheet or plan.

At the beginning of the trip, he thought a little that he was “making something”. Soon, however, many different companies started to contact him.

– I was like, what the hell, Mikko recalls.

With these contacts, the man’s confidence grew. It was time to get in touch with your dream brands.

Brave solutions and listening to intuition have led Miko towards a wonderful fashion career. Lucas Ruska Martin

Puttonen has always been experimental when it comes to fashion. Lucas Ruska Martin

“I have made brave choices and often jumped into the unknown”

Mikko says that his life has taken shape very organically. He never had a very precise plan.

– One thing has always led to another.

– I have made brave choices and often jumped into the unknown.

Mikko always asks himself, Does this feel good? That feeling drives him forward.

– I trust the feeling I have. It is important to distinguish between what is fear and what is intuitive tension. Of course, new things are really exciting and a little scary at first, but that inner voice tells you.

The fashion influencer reminds us that mistakes can be made. You shouldn’t give too much weight to other people’s thoughts, but think about exactly what you want to do.

– We only have one life, so it’s important to do what you enjoy.

The competition in the world is tougher than in Finland, so you have to make a number of yourself. Finnish modesty can take a back seat. One should not be too modest.

“I think it’s crazy that it’s brave to be yourself”

In addition to photography, beautiful content and commercial collaborations, Mikko has recently worked for Vogue Scandinavia under the title of Gender Fluidity Expert.

The work at Vogue was varied, he wrote articles for the website, produced content for Vogue’s social media channels, took part in fashion shoots and carried out content collaborations.

Valuing diversity is important to him both in his work at Vogue and in his own everyday life. Before and even today, it takes courage to come out as yourself.

– I think it’s crazy that it’s brave to be yourself.

Mikko also works together with his boyfriend Lucas Ruska Martinin with. It is a creative studio called Puttonen Ruska. Through it, they produce various digital campaigns for their customers.

If you don’t see the embed, you can view the post from here.

“Style is a journey”

Mikko has always been experimental when it comes to fashion, especially when he was younger.

– Before, I could have a leopard print, really colorful shorts and a hat in the same look.

– Then I was looking more for my own style, but now it has become clearer.

This by no means eliminates the fact that he is still eager to try different things.

Style always changes and it should change, Mikko feels.

– Style is a journey. It can never be ready and it develops as you develop as a person.

You don’t always have to completely renew your wardrobe, but you can style them in a different way, he reminds.

Credit items

Fashion designer Peter Do has created a tuxedo jacket, which is one of Miko’s favorite pieces of clothing.

– If I don’t know what to wear, it’s this jacket. It always makes you feel really confident and good.

If you don’t see the embed, you can view the post from here.

There are other clothes.

– I have a silver top that is really heavy and uncomfortable to wear. I put it on if I need to splurge a bit.

Mikko feels that it would be good to find bold clothes in everyone’s wardrobe, which are especially suitable for special moments.

If you don’t see the embed, you can view the post from here.

“Helsinki has better style”

Mikko says that fashion in London is constantly going in a more classic direction.

– When you come to Helsinki, the best street fashion is here. You can easily find wonderful and unique styles here.

– In London you see a lot of big logos and branded clothes, but in Helsinki the outfit might be straight from a flea market and it looks so much better. It’s really inspiring.

However, the same rule does not apply to London’s fashion circles, where the styles are just as outrageous.

– Helsinki has a better style. You can be really proud of that. It is often said that Finland is not a fashion city, but every time I come here, I’m like wow.

– People wear outfits that I would never think of putting together myself. I always look at them with round eyes, Mikko says admiringly.
