Martijn Koning refuses Expedition Robinson: ‘I don’t trust RTL’

Martijn Koning was asked to participate in Expedition Robinson this week, but has rejected the invitation. “Then I’m suddenly there with Henny Huisman, hahaha.”


The relationship between Martijn Koning and RTL 4 has cooled down seriously since he chased Thierry Baudet out of Eva Jinek’s talk show, but he was nevertheless asked to participate in flagship Expedition Robinson. “I was asked for Expedition Robinson this week,” he says in his podcast The Knorrepodcast

Martin doesn’t want to

However, Martijn should not think about it. “No of course not. I can’t stand people in daily life, let alone sitting on an island with twenty celebrities. Then suddenly I am sitting there with Henny Huisman, hahaha.”

His sidekick Sander van Opzeeland: “If I were them, I would offer you so much money, because that would make the program so much more fun if you were there. The kind of guy everyone hates, great.”


Sander thinks it would be a golden move from RTL. “In American series they always do that very well. That there is always one guest who gives a shit about everything. That could be you and that’s basically the star of the show. That everyone thinks: I think it’s an asshole, but he has to stay.”

Martijn: “They have a much larger pool to fish out. The Netherlands is small, so you have to be more satisfied with people who present themselves. In America you also have so many programs and things where you can sit and here in the Netherlands it is so small.”


RTL is therefore quickly satisfied with a Dutch celebrity who takes the plunge, according to Martijn. “That’s why I wouldn’t participate with Expedition Robinson, because then you really say: okay, my career needs to get a boost, otherwise I’ll just kill myself. I think that’s when you participate in such a program.”

What does it actually pay? “I think you get between 10 and 20 thousand. I think it is unwise for me, but also for the participants. I can already get annoyed with someone on the train. Let alone if you haven’t eaten and slept for two days.”

No trust

All in all, Martijn has no desire to participate. “And I don’t trust RTL, because then it could also be some kind of conspiracy by RTL to take me to a kind of uninhabited island and then have some Jinek money kill me or something.”


Martijn Koning’s podcast:
